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€ 29,58
Inclusief belasting
Product beschikbaar

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GLS Parcel  6,95 EUR incl. btw.

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14 dagen toegestaan



Audi2001 - 2005A2 8Z1.2L l3 45kw 61hp DieselHatchbackANY
Audi2001 - 2003A2 8Z1.4L l3 55kw 75hp DieselHatchbackAMF, BHC
Audi2001 - 2003A2 8Z1.4L l4 55kw 75hpHatchbackAUA, BBY
Audi2002 - 2005A2 8Z1.6L l4 81kw 110hpHatchbackBAD
Audi2003 - 2005A2 8Z1.4L l3 66kw 90hp DieselHatchbackATL
Audi1996 - 2003A3 8L1.6L l4 74kw 101hpHatchbackAEH, AKL, APF
Audi1996 - 2003A3 8L1.6L l4 74kw 101hpHatchbackAEH
Audi1996 - 2003A3 8L1.8L l4 92kw 125hpHatchbackAGN, APG
Audi1996 - 2003A3 8L1.8L l4 110kw 150hpHatchbackAGU, AQA, ARX
Audi1996 - 2001A3 8L1.9L l4 66kw 90hp DieselHatchbackAGR, ALH
Audi1997 - 2001A3 8L1.9L l4 81kw 110hp DieselHatchbackAHF, ASV
Audi1998 - 2003A3 8L1.8L l4 132kw 180hpHatchbackAJQ, ARY
Audi2000 - 2003A3 8L1.8L l4 110kw 150hpHatchbackAUM
Audi2000 - 2003A3 8L1.8L l4 132kw 180hpHatchbackAJQ, APP, ARY, AUQ
Audi2000 - 2003A3 8L1.9L l4 74kw 101hp DieselHatchbackATD, AXR
Audi2000 - 2003A3 8L1.9L l4 96kw 131hp DieselHatchbackASZ
Audi1997 - 2005A6 C51.8L l4 110kw 150hpWagonAEB, ARK, ANB, APU, AWT
Audi1997 - 2005A6 C51.8L l4 132kw 180hpWagonAJL
Audi1997 - 2005A6 C52.4L V6 120kw 163hpWagonAJG, APZ
Audi1997 - 2005A6 C52.5L V6 110kw 150hp DieselWagonAFB, AKN
Audi1997 - 2005A6 C52.7L V6 169kw 230hpWagonAJK, AZA
Audi1998 - 2005A6 C54.2L V8 220kw 299hpWagonARS, ASG
Audi1999 - 2001A6 C52.4L V6 121kw 165hpSedanAPS
Audi1999 - 2005A6 C53.7L V8 191kw 260hpWagonAQG
Audi2000 - 2005A6 C52.5L V6 132kw 180hp DieselWagonAKE, BAU, BDH
Audi2001 - 2005A6 C52.4L V6 125kw 170hpWagonBDV
Audi2001 - 2005A6 C53.0L V6 160kw 218hpWagonBBJ
Audi2001 - 2005A6 C53.0L V6 162kw 220hpWagonASN
Audi2000 - 2004Allroad C52.5L V6 132kw 180hp DieselWagonAKE
Audi2000 - 2005Allroad C52.7L V6 187kw 254hpWagonAPB, BEL
Audi2002 - 2005Allroad C52.7L V6 184kw 250hpWagonARE, BES
Audi2003 - 2005Allroad C52.5L V6 120kw 163hp DieselWagonBCZ
Audi1990 - 1990Coupe B32.0L l4 82kw 112hpCoupe3A
Audi1992 - 1992Coupe B32.0L l4 101kw 137hpCoupe6A
Audi1999 - 2005S6 C54.2L V8 250kw 340hpWagonANK, AQJ, BBD
Audi1998 - 2006TT 8N1.8L l4 132kw 180hpCoupeAJQ, APP, AUQ, AWP, ATC
Audi1998 - 2006TT 8N1.8L l4 132kw 180hpCoupeAJQ, ARY, AUQ, ATC
Audi1999 - 2006TT 8N1.8L l4 134kw 182hpCoupe
Audi1999 - 2002TT 8N1.8L l4 134kw 182hpConvertibleAWP
Audi1999 - 2006TT 8N1.8L l4 134kw 182hpCoupeAJQ, APP, AUQ, AWP, ATC
Audi1999 - 2001TT 8N1.8L l4 165kw 224hpConvertibleAPX
Audi1999 - 2006TT 8N1.8L l4 168kw 228hpCoupeAMU, BEA
Audi2000 - 2001TT 8N1.8L l4 132kw 180hpCoupeAPP
Audi2003 - 2006TT 8N3.2L V6 184kw 250hpCoupeBHE
Seat1996 - 2010Alhambra I 7M1.9L l4 66kw 90hp DieselPassenger Van1Z, AHU, ANU
Seat1996 - 2000Alhambra I 7M1.9L l4 81kw 110hp DieselPassenger VanAFN, AVG
Seat1996 - 2010Alhambra I 7M2.0L l4 85kw 116hpPassenger VanADY, ATM
Seat1997 - 2010Alhambra I 7M1.8L l4 110kw 150hpPassenger VanAJH, AWC
Seat2000 - 2010Alhambra I 7M1.9L l4 85kw 116hp DieselPassenger VanAUY, BVK
Seat2000 - 2010Alhambra I 7M2.8L V6 150kw 204hpPassenger VanAYL, AUE
Seat2002 - 2008Alhambra I 7M1.9L l4 96kw 131hp DieselPassenger VanASZ
Seat2005 - 2010Alhambra I 7M2.0L l4 103kw 140hp DieselPassenger VanBRT
Seat2002 - 2006Cordoba II 6L1.2L l3 47kw 64hpSedanAZQ, BME
Seat2002 - 2007Cordoba II 6L1.4L l4 55kw 75hpSedanBBY, BKY
Seat2002 - 2009Cordoba II 6L1.4L l4 74kw 101hpSedanAUB, BBZ
Seat2002 - 2009Cordoba II 6L1.9L l4 47kw 64hp DieselSedanASY
Seat2002 - 2009Cordoba II 6L2.0L l4 85kw 116hpSedanAZL, BBX
Seat2003 - 2009Cordoba II 6L1.6L l4 74kw 101hpSedanBAH
Seat2006 - 2009Cordoba II 6L1.2L l3 51kw 69hpSedanBXV
Seat2006 - 2009Cordoba II 6L1.4L l4 63kw 86hpSedanBXW
Seat2006 - 2009Cordoba II 6L1.6L l4 77kw 105hpSedanBTS
Seat2002 - 2006Ibiza III 6L1.2L l3 47kw 64hpHatchbackAZQ, BME
Seat2002 - 2005Ibiza III 6L1.4L l3 55kw 75hp DieselHatchbackAMF
Seat2002 - 2007Ibiza III 6L1.4L l4 55kw 75hpHatchbackBBY, BKY
Seat2002 - 2009Ibiza III 6L1.4L l4 74kw 101hpHatchbackAUB, BBZ
Seat2002 - 2005Ibiza III 6L1.9L l4 47kw 64hp DieselHatchbackASY
Seat2002 - 2009Ibiza III 6L1.9L l4 74kw 101hp DieselHatchbackATD, AXR, BMT
Seat2002 - 2009Ibiza III 6L1.9L l4 96kw 131hp DieselHatchbackASZ, BLT
Seat2002 - 2009Ibiza III 6L2.0L l4 85kw 116hpHatchbackAZL, BBX
Seat2003 - 2004Ibiza III 6L1.9L l4 112kw 152hp DieselHatchbackASZ
Seat2006 - 2009Ibiza III 6L1.2L l3 51kw 69hpHatchbackBXV
Seat2006 - 2009Ibiza III 6L1.4L l4 63kw 86hpHatchbackBXW
Seat2006 - 2009Ibiza III 6L1.6L l4 77kw 105hpHatchbackBTS
Seat2007 - 2008Ibiza III 6L1.2L l3 44kw 60hpHatchbackBBM
Seat1999 - 2006Leon I 1M1.4L l4 55kw 75hpHatchbackAHW, APE, AUA, AXP, BCA
Seat1999 - 2006Leon I 1M1.6L l4 74kw 101hpHatchbackAEH, AKL, APF
Seat1999 - 2006Leon I 1M1.8L l4 92kw 125hpHatchbackAGN, APG
Seat1999 - 2006Leon I 1M1.8L l4 132kw 180hpHatchbackAPP, AUQ
Seat1999 - 2006Leon I 1M1.9L l4 50kw 68hp DieselHatchbackAQM
Seat1999 - 2006Leon I 1M1.9L l4 66kw 90hp DieselHatchbackAGR, ALH
Seat1999 - 2006Leon I 1M1.9L l4 81kw 110hp DieselHatchbackAHF, ASV
Seat2000 - 2006Leon I 1M1.6L l4 77kw 105hpHatchbackATN, AUS, AZD, BCB
Seat2000 - 2006Leon I 1M1.9L l4 110kw 150hp DieselHatchbackARL
Seat2001 - 2006Leon I 1M2.8L V6 150kw 204hpHatchbackAUE, BDE
Seat2002 - 2006Leon I 1M1.8L l4 154kw 209hpHatchbackAMK
Seat2002 - 2006Leon I 1M1.9L l4 110kw 150hp DieselHatchbackARL
Seat2002 - 2004Leon I 1M2.8L V6 150kw 204hpHatchbackBDE
Seat2003 - 2006Leon I 1M1.8L l4 165kw 224hpHatchbackBAM
Seat2003 - 2006Leon I 1M1.9L l4 96kw 131hp DieselHatchbackASZ
Seat2005 - 2006Leon I 1M1.6L l4 75kw 102hpHatchbackBGU, BFQ
Seat2005 - 2006Leon I 1M1.9L l4 74kw 101hp DieselHatchbackAXR
Seat1999 - 2004Toledo II 1M1.9L l4 66kw 90hp DieselSedanAGR, ALH
Seat2000 - 2006Toledo II 1M1.6L l4 77kw 105hpSedanAUS, AZD, BCB
Seat2000 - 2004Toledo II 1M1.8L l4 132kw 180hpSedanAPP, ARY, AUQ
Seat2000 - 2005Toledo II 1M1.9L l4 110kw 150hp DieselSedanARL
Seat2000 - 2004Toledo II 1M1.9L l4 110kw 150hp DieselSedanARL
Seat2000 - 2001Toledo II 1M2.8L V6 150kw 204hpSedanAUE

Originele onderdelen zijn afkomstig van de autofabrikant en voldoen aan de hoogste kwaliteitsnormen, waardoor ze optimale prestaties en betrouwbaarheid van uw voertuig garanderen. Kies voor originele onderdelen om er zeker van te zijn dat uw voertuig veilig is en zijn waarde op de lange termijn behoudt!

18 Items


1.2L l3 44kw 60hp
1.2L l3 45kw 61hp Diesel
1.2L l3 47kw 64hp
1.2L l3 51kw 69hp
1.4L l3 55kw 75hp Diesel
1.4L l3 66kw 90hp Diesel
1.4L l4 55kw 75hp
1.4L l4 63kw 86hp
1.4L l4 74kw 101hp
1.6L l4 74kw 101hp
1.6L l4 75kw 102hp
1.6L l4 77kw 105hp
1.6L l4 81kw 110hp
1.8L l4 92kw 125hp
1.8L l4 110kw 150hp
1.8L l4 132kw 180hp
1.8L l4 134kw 182hp
1.8L l4 154kw 209hp
1.8L l4 165kw 224hp
1.8L l4 168kw 228hp
1.9L l4 47kw 64hp Diesel
1.9L l4 50kw 68hp Diesel
1.9L l4 66kw 90hp Diesel
1.9L l4 74kw 101hp Diesel
1.9L l4 81kw 110hp Diesel
1.9L l4 85kw 116hp Diesel
1.9L l4 96kw 131hp Diesel
1.9L l4 110kw 150hp Diesel
1.9L l4 112kw 152hp Diesel
2.0L l4 82kw 112hp
2.0L l4 85kw 116hp
2.0L l4 101kw 137hp
2.0L l4 103kw 140hp Diesel
2.4L V6 120kw 163hp
2.4L V6 121kw 165hp
2.4L V6 125kw 170hp
2.5L V6 110kw 150hp Diesel
2.5L V6 120kw 163hp Diesel
2.5L V6 132kw 180hp Diesel
2.7L V6 169kw 230hp
2.7L V6 184kw 250hp
2.7L V6 187kw 254hp
2.8L V6 150kw 204hp
3.0L V6 160kw 218hp
3.0L V6 162kw 220hp
3.2L V6 184kw 250hp
3.7L V8 191kw 260hp
4.2L V8 220kw 299hp
4.2L V8 250kw 340hp