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STEERING ROD SEAL. HONDA CR-V RD1 1996-2001 GN 53660-ST0-013
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inden for 14 dage
Acura | 2001 - 2005 | MDX YD | 3.5L V6 179kw 243hp | SUV | J35A3 |
Acura | 2006 - 2012 | RDX TB | 2.3L l4 179kw 243hp | SUV | K23A1 |
Acura | 2001 - 2006 | RSX DC | 2.0L l4 118kw 160hp | Coupe | K20A3 |
Acura | 2002 - 2004 | RSX DC | 2.0L l4 149kw 203hp | Coupe | K20A2 |
Acura | 2004 - 2008 | TSX CL | 2.4L l4 153kw 208hp | Sedan | K24A2 |
Honda | 1994 - 1997 | Accord CC, CD | 2.2L l4 108kw 147hp | Sedan | F22B1, F22B4 |
Honda | 1992 - 1998 | Accord CE | 2.2L l4 107kw 146hp | Wagon | F22B1 |
Honda | 1995 - 1996 | Accord CE | 2.2L l4 107kw 146hp | Sedan | F22B1 |
Honda | 1997 - 2002 | Accord CG | 2.3L l4 112kw 152hp | Coupe | F23A1 |
Honda | 1997 - 2003 | Accord CG | 3.0L V6 147kw 200hp | Coupe | J30A1 |
Honda | 1998 - 2003 | Accord CG | 2.0L l4 108kw 147hp | Coupe | F20B5, F20B7 |
Honda | 1998 - 2002 | Accord CG | 2.3L l4 110kw 150hp | Coupe | F23A4 |
Honda | 1998 - 2002 | Accord CG | 3.0L V6 147kw 200hp | Coupe | J30A1 |
Honda | 1999 - 2002 | Accord CG | 2.0L l4 107kw 146hp | Coupe | F20B7 |
Honda | 2002 - 2008 | Accord CL | 2.0L l4 114kw 155hp | Sedan | K20A6 |
Honda | 2002 - 2008 | Accord CL | 2.0L l4 114kw 155hp | Sedan | K20A |
Honda | 2002 - 2008 | Accord CL | 2.4L l4 140kw 190hp | Sedan | K24A3 |
Honda | 2004 - 2008 | Accord CM | 2.0L l4 114kw 155hp | Wagon | K20A, K20A6 |
Honda | 2004 - 2008 | Accord CN | 2.2L l4 103kw 140hp Diesel | Wagon | N22A1 |
Honda | 2004 - 2008 | Accord CN | 2.2L l4 103kw 140hp Diesel | Sedan | N22A1 |
Honda | 2008 - 2012 | Accord CP | 2.0L l4 114kw 155hp | Sedan | R20A3 |
Honda | 2008 - 2013 | Accord CP | 3.5L V6 202kw 275hp | Sedan | J35Z2 |
Honda | 2009 - 2012 | Accord TF | 3.5L V6 199kw 271hp | Hatchback | J35Z2 |
Honda | 2010 - 2012 | Accord TF | 3.5L V6 202kw 275hp | Hatchback | J35Z2 |
Honda | 2001 - 2006 | CR-V II RD | 2.0L l4 110kw 150hp | SUV | K20A4 |
Honda | 2001 - 2007 | CR-V II RD | 2.4L l4 118kw 160hp | SUV | K24A1 |
Honda | 2001 - 2006 | CR-V II RD | 2.4L l4 119kw 162hp | SUV | K24A1 |
Honda | 2001 - 2005 | CR-V II RD | 2.4L l4 119kw 162hp | SUV | K24A1 |
Honda | 2002 - 2006 | CR-V II RD | 2.0L l4 112kw 152hp | SUV | K20A5 |
Honda | 2004 - 2006 | CR-V II RD | 2.4L l4 118kw 160hp | SUV | K24A1 |
Honda | 2005 - 2006 | CR-V II RD | 2.2L l4 103kw 140hp Diesel | SUV | N22A2 |
Honda | 2006 - 2020 | CR-V III RE | 2.4L l4 118kw 160hp | SUV | K24Z1 |
Honda | 2006 - 2011 | CR-V III RE | 2.4L l4 124kw 169hp | SUV | K24Z1 |
Honda | 2006 - 2011 | CR-V III RE | 2.4L l4 125kw 170hp | SUV | K24A |
Honda | 2007 - 2012 | CR-V III RE | 2.2L l4 103kw 140hp Diesel | SUV | N22A2 |
Honda | 2007 - 2020 | CR-V III RE | 2.2L l4 110kw 150hp Diesel | SUV | N22B3 |
Honda | 2007 - 2012 | CR-V III RE | 2.4L l4 125kw 170hp | SUV | K24Z1 |
Honda | 2007 - 2012 | CR-V III RE | 2.4L l4 125kw 170hp | SUV | K24Z |
Honda | 2009 - 2020 | CR-V III RE | 2.4L l4 122kw 166hp | SUV | K24Z1, K24Z4 |
Honda | 1992 - 1998 | CRX, Civic del Sol EG | 1.6L l4 118kw 160hp | Convertible | B16A2 |
Honda | 1993 - 1995 | CRX, Civic del Sol EG | 1.5L l4 76kw 103hp | Convertible | D15B7 |
Honda | 1995 - 1996 | CRX, Civic del Sol EG | 1.6L l4 79kw 107hp | Convertible | D16Y7 |
Honda | 1992 - 1998 | CRX, Civic del Sol EH | 1.6L l4 92kw 125hp | Convertible | D16Y8, D16Z6 |
Honda | 1993 - 1996 | CRX, Civic del Sol EH | 1.6L l4 94kw 128hp | Convertible | D16Z6 |
Honda | 1996 - 1997 | CRX, Civic del Sol EH | 1.6L l4 95kw 129hp | Convertible | D16Y8 |
Honda | 1991 - 1993 | Civic EG | 1.3L l4 55kw 75hp | Hatchback | D13B2 |
Honda | 1991 - 1995 | Civic EG | 1.5L l4 69kw 94hp | Hatchback | D15Z1, D15B2 |
Honda | 1991 - 1995 | Civic EG | 1.6L l4 92kw 125hp | Hatchback | D16Z6 |
Honda | 1991 - 1995 | Civic EG | 1.6L l4 118kw 160hp | Hatchback | B16A2 |
Honda | 1993 - 1995 | Civic EG | 1.5L l4 66kw 90hp | Hatchback | D15B2, D15B3, D15B4, D15Z2 |
Honda | 1993 - 1995 | Civic EJ | 1.5L l4 76kw 103hp | Coupe | D15B7 |
Honda | 1994 - 1996 | Civic EJ | 1.6L l4 92kw 125hp | Coupe | D16Y6, D16Z9 |
Honda | 1995 - 2001 | Civic EJ | 1.4L l4 55kw 75hp | Hatchback | D14A3, D14Z1 |
Honda | 1995 - 2001 | Civic EJ | 1.4L l4 66kw 90hp | Sedan | D14A4, D14Z4, D14Z2 |
Honda | 1995 - 2001 | Civic EJ | 1.4L l4 66kw 90hp | Hatchback | D14A4, D14Z4, D14Z2 |
Honda | 1996 - 2000 | Civic EJ | 1.6L l4 92kw 125hp | Sedan | D16Y8 |
Honda | 1999 - 2000 | Civic EJ | 1.6L l4 92kw 125hp | Sedan | D16Y |
Honda | 1995 - 1998 | Civic EJ, EK | 1.4L l4 55kw 75hp | Sedan | D14A4 |
Honda | 1995 - 2000 | Civic EJ, EK | 1.6L l4 118kw 160hp | Sedan | B16A2 |
Honda | 1995 - 1999 | Civic EJ, EK | 1.6L l4 158kw 215hp | Hatchback | |
Honda | 1996 - 2000 | Civic EJ, EK | 1.6L l4 78kw 106hp | Sedan | D16Y7 |
Honda | 1996 - 2000 | Civic EJ, EM | 1.6L l4 77kw 105hp | Coupe | D16Y7 |
Honda | 1996 - 1999 | Civic EJ, EM | 1.6L l4 79kw 107hp | Coupe | D16Y7 |
Honda | 1997 - 1999 | Civic EJ, EM | 1.6L l4 86kw 117hp | Coupe | D16Y5 |
Honda | 1999 - 2000 | Civic EJ, EM | 1.6L l4 158kw 215hp | Coupe | |
Honda | 1995 - 2001 | Civic EK | 1.5L l4 84kw 114hp | Hatchback | D15Z6 |
Honda | 1995 - 2001 | Civic EK | 1.5L l4 84kw 114hp | Sedan | D15Z6, D15Z4 |
Honda | 1995 - 2001 | Civic EK | 1.6L l4 84kw 114hp | Hatchback | D16Y5 |
Honda | 1995 - 2001 | Civic EK | 1.6L l4 92kw 125hp | Sedan | D16Y |
Honda | 1995 - 2000 | Civic EK | 1.6L l4 93kw 126hp | Sedan | D16Y5 |
Honda | 1995 - 2001 | Civic EK | 1.6L l4 118kw 160hp | Sedan | B16A2 |
Honda | 1995 - 1999 | Civic EK | 1.6L l4 118kw 160hp | Hatchback | B16A2 |
Honda | 1997 - 2000 | Civic EK | 1.6L l4 137kw 186hp | Hatchback | B16B |
Honda | 1999 - 2000 | Civic EM | 1.6L l4 118kw 160hp | Coupe | B16A2 |
Honda | 2001 - 2005 | Civic EM | 1.7L l4 88kw 120hp | Coupe | D17A8 |
Honda | 2001 - 2005 | Civic EM | 1.7L l4 92kw 125hp | Coupe | D17A5, D17A9 |
Honda | 2001 - 2006 | Civic ES | 1.5L l4 82kw 112hp | Sedan | D15Y4 |
Honda | 2003 - 2005 | Civic ES | 1.5L l4 82kw 112hp | Sedan | D15Y3 |
Honda | 2006 - 2012 | Civic FA, FD | 1.8L l4 103kw 140hp | Sedan | R18A1 |
Honda | 2007 - 2010 | Civic FA, FD | 2.0L l4 165kw 224hp | Sedan | K20A5 |
Honda | 2005 - 2013 | Civic FD | 1.8L l4 103kw 140hp | Sedan | R18A2 |
Honda | 2005 - 2012 | Civic FD | 1.8L l4 103kw 140hp | Sedan | R18A1, R18A2 |
Honda | 2005 - 2013 | Civic FD | 1.8L l4 103kw 140hp | Sedan | R18A1 |
Honda | 2004 - 2011 | FR-V BE | 1.7L l4 92kw 125hp | Hatchback | D17A2 |
Honda | 2005 - 2011 | FR-V BE | 2.0L l4 110kw 150hp | Hatchback | K20A9 |
Honda | 2005 - 2011 | FR-V BE | 2.2L l4 103kw 140hp Diesel | Hatchback | N22A1 |
Honda | 2007 - 2011 | FR-V BE | 1.8L l4 103kw 140hp | Hatchback | R18A1 |
Honda | 1993 - 2001 | Integra DC | 1.8L l4 107kw 146hp | Coupe | B18B2 |
Honda | 1993 - 2001 | Integra DC | 1.8L l4 132kw 180hp | Coupe | B18C |
Honda | 1995 - 2000 | Integra DC | 1.8L l4 147kw 200hp | Coupe | B18C |
Honda | 1997 - 2001 | Integra DC | 1.8L l4 140kw 190hp | Coupe | B18C6 |
Honda | 2002 - 2006 | Integra DC | 2.0L l4 118kw 160hp | Coupe | K20A3 |
Honda | 2002 - 2020 | Integra DC | 2.0L l4 162kw 220hp | Coupe | K20Z1 |
Honda | 1999 - 2002 | Logo GA | 1.3L l4 48kw 65hp | Hatchback | D13B7 |
Honda | 2003 - 2007 | MDX YD | 3.5L V6 195kw 265hp | SUV | J35A5 |
5 Varer
- Marka
- Acura
Honda - Rocznik
- 1991
2020 - Model
- Accord
CRX, Civic del Sol
TSX - Silnik
- 1.3L l4 48kw 65hp
1.3L l4 55kw 75hp
1.4L l4 55kw 75hp
1.4L l4 66kw 90hp
1.5L l4 66kw 90hp
1.5L l4 69kw 94hp
1.5L l4 76kw 103hp
1.5L l4 82kw 112hp
1.5L l4 84kw 114hp
1.6L l4 77kw 105hp
1.6L l4 78kw 106hp
1.6L l4 79kw 107hp
1.6L l4 84kw 114hp
1.6L l4 86kw 117hp
1.6L l4 92kw 125hp
1.6L l4 93kw 126hp
1.6L l4 94kw 128hp
1.6L l4 95kw 129hp
1.6L l4 118kw 160hp
1.6L l4 137kw 186hp
1.6L l4 158kw 215hp
1.7L l4 88kw 120hp
1.7L l4 92kw 125hp
1.8L l4 103kw 140hp
1.8L l4 107kw 146hp
1.8L l4 132kw 180hp
1.8L l4 140kw 190hp
1.8L l4 147kw 200hp
2.0L l4 107kw 146hp
2.0L l4 108kw 147hp
2.0L l4 110kw 150hp
2.0L l4 112kw 152hp
2.0L l4 114kw 155hp
2.0L l4 118kw 160hp
2.0L l4 149kw 203hp
2.0L l4 162kw 220hp
2.0L l4 165kw 224hp
2.2L l4 103kw 140hp Diesel
2.2L l4 107kw 146hp
2.2L l4 108kw 147hp
2.2L l4 110kw 150hp Diesel
2.3L l4 110kw 150hp
2.3L l4 112kw 152hp
2.3L l4 179kw 243hp
2.4L l4 118kw 160hp
2.4L l4 119kw 162hp
2.4L l4 122kw 166hp
2.4L l4 124kw 169hp
2.4L l4 125kw 170hp
2.4L l4 140kw 190hp
2.4L l4 153kw 208hp
3.0L V6 147kw 200hp
3.5L V6 179kw 243hp
3.5L V6 195kw 265hp
3.5L V6 199kw 271hp
3.5L V6 202kw 275hp