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021 903 803 B, 5901619505328, 021903803B, 028 903 803 C, 028 903 803 DX, 10-0176, 1197311223, 42531176, 9947103, A 628 532A, MAX10-0176, HP021903803B, HP100 134, 100 134, HAR515 331, 515 331

Alfa Romeo1994 - 1996145 9301.4L H4 66kw 90hpHatchbackAR 33501
Alfa Romeo1994 - 1996145 9301.6L H4 76kw 103hpHatchbackAR 33201
Alfa Romeo1994 - 1996145 9301.7L H4 95kw 129hpHatchbackAR 33401
Alfa Romeo1994 - 1996146 9301.4L H4 66kw 90hpHatchbackAR 33501
Alfa Romeo1994 - 1996146 9301.6L H4 76kw 103hpHatchbackAR 33201
Alfa Romeo1994 - 1996146 9301.7L H4 95kw 129hpHatchbackAR 33401
Alfa Romeo1992 - 1997155 1671.8L l4 77kw 105hpSedanAR 67402
Alfa Romeo1992 - 1996155 1671.8L l4 93kw 126hpSedanAR 67101, AR 67102
Alfa Romeo1992 - 1994155 1671.8L l4 95kw 129hpSedanAR 67101
Alfa Romeo1992 - 1995155 1672.0L l4 104kw 141hpSedanAR 67201, AR 67202
Alfa Romeo1992 - 1995155 1672.0L l4 106kw 144hpSedanAR 67201, AR 67202
Alfa Romeo1992 - 1995155 1672.5L V6 121kw 165hpSedanAR 67301
Alfa Romeo1993 - 1996155 1671.7L l4 83kw 113hpSedanAR 67103
Alfa Romeo1993 - 1996155 1671.7L l4 85kw 116hpSedanAR 67105
Alfa Romeo1993 - 1997155 1671.9L l4 66kw 90hp DieselSedanAR 67501
Alfa Romeo1993 - 1997155 1672.5L l4 92kw 125hp DieselSedanVM 07 B, VM 31 B
Alfa Romeo1993 - 1996155 1672.5L V6 120kw 163hpSedanAR 67302, AR 67303
Alfa Romeo1997 - 2003156 9322.5L V6 140kw 190hpSedanAR 32401, AR 32402
Alfa Romeo1992 - 1998164 1642.0L l4 106kw 144hpSedanAR 64103
Alfa Romeo1992 - 1998164 1642.0L V6 148kw 201hpSedanAR 64102
Alfa Romeo1992 - 1998164 1642.5L l4 92kw 125hp DieselSedanVM 08 B, VM 32 B
Alfa Romeo1992 - 1998164 1643.0L V6 132kw 180hpSedanAR 64303, AR 64305, AR 64399, AR 66303
Alfa Romeo1992 - 1998164 1643.0L V6 155kw 211hpSedanAR 64306, AR 66301, AR 66302
Alfa Romeo1992 - 1998164 1643.0L V6 171kw 233hpSedanAR 64307
Alfa Romeo1992 - 1997164 1643.0L V6 171kw 233hpSedanAR 64307
Alfa Romeo1993 - 1995164 1643.0L V6 156kw 212hpSedanAR 64304
Alfa Romeo1993 - 1995164 1643.0L V6 168kw 228hpSedanAR 64304
Alfa Romeo1994 - 1998164 1643.0L V6 170kw 231hpSedanAR 64307, AR 64308
Alfa Romeo1995 - 1997164 1643.0L V6 154kw 209hpSedanAR 66302
Alfa Romeo1995 - 1997164 1643.0L V6 170kw 231hpSedanAR 64304
Alfa Romeo1998 - 2000166 9362.0L V6 151kw 205hpSedanAR 34102
Alfa Romeo1999 - 2004166 9362.5L V6 140kw 190hpSedanAR 34201
Alfa Romeo1999 - 2004166 9363.0L V6 166kw 226hpSedanAR 34301
Alfa Romeo1995 - 1998GTV 9162.0L V6 148kw 201hpCoupeAR 16202
Alfa Romeo1998 - 2000GTV 9163.0L V6 162kw 220hpCoupeAR 16102
Alfa Romeo1995 - 2005Spider 9163.0L V6 141kw 192hpConvertibleAR 16101
Alfa Romeo1998 - 2005Spider 9162.0L V6 148kw 201hpConvertibleAR 16202
Audi1990 - 1994100 C42.0L l4 74kw 101hpSedanAAE
Audi1991 - 1994100 C42.0L l4 74kw 101hpWagonAAE
Audi1991 - 1994100 C42.0L l4 85kw 116hpWagonAAD, ABK
Audi1993 - 1994100 C42.0L l4 85kw 116hpSedanAAD, ABK
Audi1991 - 199480 B41.6L l4 52kw 71hpSedanABM
Audi1991 - 199480 B42.0L l4 85kw 116hpSedanABK
Audi1992 - 199580 B42.0L l4 66kw 90hpSedanABT
Audi1992 - 199680 B42.0L l4 66kw 90hpWagonABT
Audi1992 - 199680 B42.0L l4 85kw 116hpWagonABK
Audi1992 - 199580 B42.0L l4 85kw 116hpSedanABK
Audi1993 - 199480 B41.6L l4 74kw 101hpSedanADA
Audi1993 - 199680 B41.6L l4 74kw 101hpWagonADA
Audi1993 - 199680 B42.0L l4 79kw 107hpWagonADW
Audi1993 - 199480 B42.2L l5 169kw 230hpSedanABY
Audi1996 - 2003A3 8L1.6L l4 74kw 101hpHatchbackAEH, AKL, APF
Audi1996 - 2003A3 8L1.6L l4 74kw 101hpHatchbackAEH
Audi1996 - 2003A3 8L1.8L l4 92kw 125hpHatchbackAGN, APG
Audi1996 - 2003A3 8L1.8L l4 110kw 150hpHatchbackAGU, AQA, ARX
Audi1996 - 2001A3 8L1.9L l4 66kw 90hp DieselHatchbackAGR, ALH
Audi1997 - 2001A3 8L1.9L l4 81kw 110hp DieselHatchbackAHF, ASV
Audi2000 - 2003A3 8L1.8L l4 110kw 150hpHatchbackAUM
Audi2002 - 2004A3 8L1.8L l4 110kw 150hpHatchbackAGU, AQA, ARZ, AUM, BFB
Audi1995 - 2000A4 B51.8L l4 85kw 116hpSedanAFY
Audi1995 - 1999A4 B51.8L l4 92kw 125hpSedanADR
Audi1995 - 2000A4 B51.8L l4 92kw 125hpSedanADR, APT, ARG
Audi1995 - 1999A4 B51.8L l4 110kw 150hpSedanAEB, ARK, ANB, APU, AWT, ATW
Audi1995 - 2000A4 B51.8L l4 110kw 150hpSedanAEB
Audi1996 - 2001A4 B51.8L l4 92kw 125hpWagonADR, APT, ARG
Audi1996 - 2001A4 B51.8L l4 110kw 150hpWagonAEB, ARK, ANB, APU, AWT
Audi1996 - 1999A4 B51.8L l4 110kw 150hpWagonAEB, ARK, ANB, APU, AWT, ATW
Audi1996 - 2001A4 B51.9L l4 66kw 90hp DieselWagon1Z, AHU, AHH
Audi1996 - 2001A4 B51.9L l4 81kw 110hp DieselWagonAFN, AVG
Audi1996 - 2000A4 B51.9L l4 81kw 110hp DieselSedanAFN, AVG
Audi1996 - 1998A4 B52.6L V6 110kw 150hpSedanABC
Audi1996 - 1998A4 B52.6L V6 110kw 150hpWagonABC
Audi1996 - 2001A4 B52.8L V6 142kw 193hpWagonACK, ALG, AMX, APR, AQD, ATQ, AHA
Audi1996 - 2001A4 B52.8L V6 142kw 193hpSedanACK, AHA, ALG, AMX, APR, AQD, ATQ
Audi1997 - 1999A4 B51.8L l4 92kw 125hpWagonADR, APT, ARG, AVV
Audi1997 - 2000A4 B51.8L l4 132kw 180hpSedanAJL
Audi1997 - 2001A4 B51.8L l4 132kw 180hpWagonAJL
Audi1997 - 2000A4 B52.4L V6 120kw 163hpSedanAJG, AMM, APZ
Audi1997 - 2000A4 B52.4L V6 121kw 165hpSedanAGA, ALF, AML, APS, ARJ
Audi1997 - 2000A4 B52.4L V6 121kw 165hpWagonAGA
Audi1997 - 2001A4 B52.4L V6 121kw 165hpWagonAGA, ALF, AML, APS, ARJ
Audi1997 - 1999A4 B52.8L V6 142kw 193hpSedanACK
Audi1997 - 1999A4 B52.8L V6 142kw 193hpWagonACK, ALG, APR, AQD, AHA
Audi1997 - 1999A4 B52.8L V6 142kw 193hpSedanACK, AHA, ALG, AMX, APR, AQD, ATQ
Audi1998 - 2001A4 B51.9L l4 66kw 90hpWagonAHU
Audi1999 - 2001A4 B51.8L l4 92kw 125hpSedanAPT
Audi1999 - 2001A4 B51.8L l4 110kw 150hpWagonAPU
Audi1999 - 2001A4 B51.8L l4 132kw 180hpSedanAJL
Audi1999 - 2002A4 B51.8L l4 132kw 180hpWagonAJL
Audi1999 - 2001A4 B52.4L V6 121kw 165hpSedanAPS
Audi1999 - 2001A4 B52.4L V6 121kw 165hpWagonAGA, ALF, AML, APS, ARJ
Audi2000 - 2000A4 B51.9L l4 85kw 116hp DieselSedanAJM
Audi2002 - 2004A4 B61.8L l4 110kw 150hpConvertibleBFB
Product Details
2 Items

Data sheet

Alfa Romeo
1.4L H4 66kw 90hp
1.6L H4 76kw 103hp
1.6L l4 52kw 71hp
1.6L l4 74kw 101hp
1.7L H4 95kw 129hp
1.7L l4 83kw 113hp
1.7L l4 85kw 116hp
1.8L l4 77kw 105hp
1.8L l4 85kw 116hp
1.8L l4 92kw 125hp
1.8L l4 93kw 126hp
1.8L l4 95kw 129hp
1.8L l4 110kw 150hp
1.8L l4 132kw 180hp
1.9L l4 66kw 90hp
1.9L l4 66kw 90hp Diesel
1.9L l4 81kw 110hp Diesel
1.9L l4 85kw 116hp Diesel
2.0L V6 148kw 201hp
2.0L V6 151kw 205hp
2.0L l4 66kw 90hp
2.0L l4 74kw 101hp
2.0L l4 79kw 107hp
2.0L l4 85kw 116hp
2.0L l4 104kw 141hp
2.0L l4 106kw 144hp
2.2L l5 169kw 230hp
2.4L V6 120kw 163hp
2.4L V6 121kw 165hp
2.5L V6 120kw 163hp
2.5L V6 121kw 165hp
2.5L V6 140kw 190hp
2.5L l4 92kw 125hp Diesel
2.6L V6 110kw 150hp
2.8L V6 142kw 193hp
3.0L V6 132kw 180hp
3.0L V6 141kw 192hp
3.0L V6 154kw 209hp
3.0L V6 155kw 211hp
3.0L V6 156kw 212hp
3.0L V6 162kw 220hp
3.0L V6 166kw 226hp
3.0L V6 168kw 228hp
3.0L V6 170kw 231hp
3.0L V6 171kw 233hp

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