WATER SPIGOT AUDI A4 1.6, 1.8, 1.8T QUATTRO 95-00, A6 1.8, 1.8T QUATTRO 97-05, VW PASSAT 1.8T 97-00 030121121B

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030121121B, NTYCTM-AU-007, CTM-AU-007, 5902048906588, DLO030121121B, FEB23346, 23346, HP030121121B, TRU07.11.027, 07.11.027, VAI10-0283, 10-0283, HP107 305, 107 305, FAE54301, 54301, VIK11210115201, 11210115201, 030 121 121B VIKA

Audi1994 - 2001A4 B51.6L l4 74kw 101hpWagonADP, AHL, ANA, ARM
Audi1994 - 2000A4 B51.6L l4 74kw 101hpSedanADP, AHL, ANA, ARM
Audi1994 - 2000A4 B51.8L l4 92kw 125hpSedanADR, APT, ARG, AVV
Audi1995 - 2000A4 B51.8L l4 85kw 116hpSedanAFY
Audi1995 - 2001A4 B51.8L l4 85kw 116hpWagonAFY
Audi1995 - 1999A4 B51.8L l4 92kw 125hpSedanADR
Audi1995 - 2000A4 B51.8L l4 92kw 125hpSedanADR, APT, ARG
Audi1995 - 1999A4 B51.8L l4 110kw 150hpSedanAEB, ARK, ANB, APU, AWT, ATW
Audi1995 - 2000A4 B51.8L l4 110kw 150hpSedanAEB
Audi1996 - 2001A4 B51.8L l4 92kw 125hpWagonADR, APT, ARG
Audi1996 - 1999A4 B51.8L l4 110kw 150hpWagonAEB, ARK, ANB, APU, AWT, ATW
Audi1996 - 2001A4 B51.8L l4 110kw 150hpWagonAEB, ARK, ANB, APU, AWT
Audi1997 - 1999A4 B51.8L l4 92kw 125hpWagonADR, APT, ARG, AVV
Audi1997 - 2001A4 B51.8L l4 132kw 180hpWagonAJL
Audi1997 - 2000A4 B51.8L l4 132kw 180hpSedanAJL
Audi1999 - 2001A4 B51.8L l4 92kw 125hpSedanAPT
Audi1999 - 2001A4 B51.8L l4 110kw 150hpWagonAPU
Audi1999 - 2001A4 B51.8L l4 132kw 180hpSedanAJL
Audi1999 - 2002A4 B51.8L l4 132kw 180hpWagonAJL
Audi1995 - 1997A6 C41.8L l4 92kw 125hpSedanADR
Audi1995 - 1997A6 C41.8L l4 92kw 125hpWagonADR
Audi1997 - 2005A6 C51.8L l4 85kw 116hpSedanAFY
Audi1997 - 2005A6 C51.8L l4 110kw 150hpSedanAEB, ARK, ANB, APU, AWT, AWL
Audi1997 - 2005A6 C51.8L l4 110kw 150hpWagonAEB, ARK, ANB, APU, AWT
Audi1997 - 2005A6 C51.8L l4 110kw 150hpSedanAEB, ARK, ANB, APU, AWT
Audi1997 - 2005A6 C51.8L l4 132kw 180hpWagonAJL
Audi1997 - 2005A6 C51.8L l4 132kw 180hpSedanAJL
Audi1998 - 2005A6 C51.8L l4 85kw 116hpWagonAFY
Audi1999 - 2005A6 C51.8L l4 132kw 180hpWagonAJL
Audi1997 - 2000Cabriolet B41.8L l4 92kw 125hpConvertibleADR
Seat1997 - 2004Arosa 6H1.7L l4 44kw 60hp DieselHatchbackAKU
Seat1993 - 1994Cordoba I 6K1.3L l4 40kw 54hpSedan2G, AAV
Seat1994 - 2002Cordoba I 6K1.4L l4 44kw 60hpSedanABD, AEX, AKV, APQ, ANW, AKK, AUD
Seat1998 - 1999Cordoba I 6K1.6L l4 55kw 75hpSedanABU, AEE, ALM
Seat1993 - 1996Ibiza II 6K1.0L l4 33kw 45hpHatchbackAAU
Seat1993 - 1999Ibiza II 6K1.3L l4 40kw 54hpHatchback2G, AAV
Seat1993 - 2002Ibiza II 6K1.6L l4 55kw 75hpHatchbackABU, AEE, ALM
Seat1995 - 1998Ibiza II 6K1.4L l4 44kw 60hpHatchbackABD
Skoda1995 - 1998Felicia 6U1.9L l4 47kw 64hp DieselWagonAEF
Skoda1995 - 1998Felicia 6U1.9L l4 47kw 64hp DieselHatchbackAEF
Volkswagen1996 - 2000Caddy MK2 - 9K1.9L l4 47kw 64hp DieselStandard Cab PickupAEF
Volkswagen1981 - 1987Caravelle, Transporter T31.6L l4 37kw 50hp DieselCab & ChassisCS
Volkswagen1981 - 1987Caravelle, Transporter T31.6L l4 37kw 50hp DieselBusCS
Volkswagen1981 - 1987Caravelle, Transporter T31.6L l4 37kw 50hp DieselCargo VanCS
Volkswagen1984 - 1992Caravelle, Transporter T31.6L l4 51kw 69hp DieselCab & ChassisJX
Volkswagen1984 - 1992Caravelle, Transporter T31.6L l4 51kw 69hp DieselBusJX
Volkswagen1984 - 1992Caravelle, Transporter T31.6L l4 51kw 69hp DieselCargo VanJX
Volkswagen1984 - 1992Caravelle, Transporter T31.7L l4 42kw 57hp DieselCargo VanKY
Volkswagen1985 - 1987Caravelle, Transporter T31.7L l4 42kw 57hp DieselCab & ChassisKY
Volkswagen1986 - 1992Caravelle, Transporter T31.6L l4 51kw 69hp DieselBusJX
Volkswagen1986 - 1992Caravelle, Transporter T31.6L l4 51kw 69hp DieselCargo VanJX
Volkswagen1986 - 1992Caravelle, Transporter T31.6L l4 51kw 69hp DieselCab & ChassisJX
Volkswagen1986 - 1992Caravelle, Transporter T31.7L l4 42kw 57hp DieselBusKY
Volkswagen1989 - 1992Caravelle, Transporter T31.7L l4 42kw 57hp DieselCab & ChassisKY
Volkswagen1985 - 1991Golf MK2 - 19 1G1.0L l4 37kw 50hpHatchbackHZ
Volkswagen1991 - 1997Golf MK3 - 1H1.4L l4 40kw 54hpHatchbackABD, AEX
Volkswagen1991 - 1997Golf MK3 - 1H1.4L l4 44kw 60hpHatchbackABD, AEX
Volkswagen1993 - 1999Golf MK3 - 1H1.4L l4 40kw 54hpWagonABD
Volkswagen1993 - 1999Golf MK3 - 1H1.4L l4 44kw 60hpWagonABD, AEX, APQ
Volkswagen1996 - 1997Golf MK3 - 1H1.6L l4 55kw 75hpHatchbackABU, AEA, AEE
Volkswagen1998 - 2002Golf MK4 - 1E1.8L l4 66kw 90hpConvertibleADZ, ANP
Volkswagen1984 - 1987Jetta MK2 - 16 19 1G 1J1.3L l4 40kw 54hpSedanHK, MH
Volkswagen1987 - 1991Jetta MK2 - 16 19 1G 1J1.3L l4 40kw 54hpSedan2G, MH, NZ
Volkswagen1998 - 2005Lupo 6E 6X1.7L l4 44kw 60hp DieselHatchbackAKU
Volkswagen1996 - 2000Passat B51.6L l4 74kw 101hpSedanADP, AHL, ANA, ARM
Volkswagen1996 - 2000Passat B51.8L l4 92kw 125hpSedanADR, APT, ARG
Volkswagen1996 - 2000Passat B51.8L l4 92kw 125hpSedanADR
Volkswagen1996 - 2000Passat B51.8L l4 110kw 150hpSedanAEB
Volkswagen1997 - 2000Passat B51.6L l4 74kw 101hpWagonADP, AHL, ANA, ARM
Volkswagen1997 - 2000Passat B51.8L l4 85kw 116hpSedanAFY
Volkswagen1997 - 2000Passat B51.8L l4 92kw 125hpWagonADR, APT, ARG
Volkswagen1998 - 2000Passat B51.8L l4 92kw 125hpSedanAPT
Volkswagen1999 - 2000Passat B51.8L l4 110kw 150hpSedanAPU
Volkswagen1986 - 1990Polo MK2 - 80 861.3L l4 33kw 45hp DieselHatchbackMN
Volkswagen1987 - 1994Polo MK2 - 80 861.3L l4 40kw 54hpHatchback2G, AAV, MH, NZ
Volkswagen1989 - 1994Polo MK2 - 80 861.0L l4 33kw 45hpHatchbackAAK, AAU, ACM
Volkswagen1989 - 1991Polo MK2 - 80 861.3L l4 55kw 75hpHatchback3F
Volkswagen1990 - 1994Polo MK2 - 80 861.4L l4 35kw 48hp DieselHatchback1 W
Volkswagen1992 - 1994Polo MK2 - 80 861.0L l4 33kw 45hpCargo VanAAU
Volkswagen1992 - 1994Polo MK2 - 80 861.3L l4 40kw 54hpCargo VanAAV
Volkswagen1992 - 1994Polo MK2 - 80 861.4L l4 35kw 48hp DieselCargo Van1 W
Volkswagen1994 - 1999Polo MK3 - 6K 6N 6V1.9L l4 47kw 64hp DieselHatchbackAEF
Volkswagen1996 - 1999Polo MK3 - 6K 6N 6V1.9L l4 47kw 64hp DieselHatchbackAGD
Volkswagen1997 - 1999Polo MK3 - 6K 6N 6V1.7L l4 42kw 57hp DieselHatchbackAHG
Volkswagen1997 - 1999Polo MK3 - 6K 6N 6V1.7L l4 44kw 60hp DieselHatchbackAKU
Volkswagen1999 - 2001Polo MK3 - 6K 6N 6V1.7L l4 44kw 60hp DieselHatchbackAKU
Volkswagen1999 - 2001Polo MK3 - 6K 6N 6V1.9L l4 47kw 64hp DieselHatchbackAGD, ASX
Volkswagen1999 - 2001Polo MK3 - 6K 6N 6V1.9L l4 47kw 64hp DieselHatchbackAEF
Product Details

NTY is a manufacturer of high-quality spare parts for passenger cars. It offers a wide range of parts such as suspension components: bearings, hubs, rubbers, and bushings. NTY also specializes in producing electrical system components: ABS sensors, coils and ignition cables, as well as EGR valves. The company has extensive experience in the industry - all products undergo detailed quality control and have all the required certifications for the European market. Thanks to the use of the latest technology and high-quality materials in the production process, as well as excellent management and logistic solutions, NTY offers a very favorable price. NTY products guarantee trouble-free operation of the vehicle after the warranty period.

9 Items

Data sheet

Caravelle, Transporter
1.0L l4 33kw 45hp
1.0L l4 37kw 50hp
1.3L l4 33kw 45hp Diesel
1.3L l4 40kw 54hp
1.3L l4 55kw 75hp
1.4L l4 35kw 48hp Diesel
1.4L l4 40kw 54hp
1.4L l4 44kw 60hp
1.6L l4 37kw 50hp Diesel
1.6L l4 51kw 69hp Diesel
1.6L l4 55kw 75hp
1.6L l4 74kw 101hp
1.7L l4 42kw 57hp Diesel
1.7L l4 44kw 60hp Diesel
1.8L l4 66kw 90hp
1.8L l4 85kw 116hp
1.8L l4 92kw 125hp
1.8L l4 110kw 150hp
1.8L l4 132kw 180hp
1.9L l4 47kw 64hp Diesel

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